CMSModule(); } function GetName(){ return 'SimpleSlider'; } function GetFriendlyName() { return 'Manage Simple Slider'; } function Install() { global $gCms; //Get a reference to the database $db = $this->cms->db; // mysql-specific, but ignored by other database $taboptarray = array('mysql' => 'TYPE=MyISAM'); //Make a new "dictionary" (ADODB-speak for a table) $dict = NewDataDictionary($db); //Add the fields as a comma-separated string. $fields = "id I AUTO KEY, slide I DEFAULT 0, title C(50), imagelink C(255), description X "; //Note the naming scheme that should be followed when adding tables to the database, // so as to make it easy to recognize who the table belongs to, and to avoid conflict with other modules. $sqlarray = $dict->CreateTableSQL(cms_db_prefix().'module_simpleslider_images', $fields, $taboptarray); $dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray); //Add the fields as a comma-separated string. $fields = "showid I AUTO KEY, showname C(50), width I, height I, fadetime I"; //Note the naming scheme that should be followed when adding tables to the database, // so as to make it easy to recognize who the table belongs to, and to avoid conflict with other modules. $sqlarray = $dict->CreateTableSQL(cms_db_prefix().'module_simpleslider_shows', $fields, $taboptarray); $dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray); $sqlarray = $dict->CreateIndexSQL('showname', cms_db_prefix().'module_simpleslider_shows', 'showname', array('UNIQUE')); $dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray); //Add the fields as a comma-separated string. $fields = "showid I, imageid I "; // so as to make it easy to recognize who the table belongs to, and to avoid conflict with other modules. $sqlarray = $dict->CreateTableSQL(cms_db_prefix().'module_simpleslider_showimages', $fields, $taboptarray); $dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray); $sqlarray = $dict->CreateIndexSQL('showid', cms_db_prefix().'module_simpleslider_showimages', 'showid'); $dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray); $sqlarray = $dict->CreateIndexSQL('showimage', cms_db_prefix().'module_simpleslider_showimages', array('showid', 'imageid'), array('UNIQUE')); $dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray); $this->setPreference('defwidth', 400); $this->setPreference('defheight', 300); $this->setPreference('deffadetime', 4000); $this->CreatePermission('SimpleSlider Admin', 'SimpleSlider Admin'); mkdir('../uploads/sliderimages/'); } function Upgrade($oldversion, $newversion){ $db = $this->cms->db; $dict = NewDataDictionary($db); switch($oldversion){ case '0.2': case '0.1': $sqlarray=array(0=>'ALTER TABLE `'.cms_db_prefix().'module_simpleslider_shows` ADD `width` INT NOT NULL , ADD `height` INT NOT NULL , ADD `fadetime` INT NOT NULL '); $dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray); break; } } function Uninstall() { $db = $this->cms->db; $dict = NewDataDictionary( $db ); $sqlarray = $dict->DropTableSQL( cms_db_prefix().'module_simpleslider_images' ); $dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray); $sqlarray = $dict->DropTableSQL( cms_db_prefix().'module_simpleslider_shows' ); $dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray); $sqlarray = $dict->DropTableSQL( cms_db_prefix().'module_simpleslider_showimages' ); $dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray); //Remove the sequence $this->RemovePermission('SimpleSlider Admin'); $this->RemovePreference(); } function GetVersion() { return '0.2.1'; } function GetHelp() { return '

Developed by AGA IT Solutions.


Make sure your upload folder is writeable before installing.

You need to download JQuery s3Slider.

You can download JQuery here and put it in the folder "lib" using the name "jquery.js".

You can download s3Slider here and put it in the folder "lib" using the name "s3Slider.js".


Go to Content -> Manage Simple Slider to add images and slideshows.

Simply put {cms_module module=\'SimpleSlider\'} where you would like to have the slideshow. By default all images added to the module will be displayed.

To display a particular show and only images added to the show put {cms_module module=\'SimpleSlider\' show=\'showname\'}

'; } function IsPluginModule() { return true; } function HasAdmin() { return true; } function GetAdminSection() { return 'content'; } function GetAdminDescription() { return 'Manage Simple Slider'; } function GetAuthor(){ return 'Burhan BAVKIR'; } function GetAuthorEmail(){ return ''; } function displaySelectArray($selectlist, $id=0){ foreach($selectlist as $key => $val){ ?>
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